DigitalBar's spot-check usability assessments are provided by Pancentric Digital and are based on a 50-point best practice methodology across 5 review criteria plus a judge's score. The assessments offer an independent and continuously valuable benchmark for stakeholders looking to keep track of standards and innovation in the insurance sector. 

The 5 review criteria

Each criterion features approximately 10 best practice questions. The question areas ask about the presence or otherwise of certain usability features and are made as objective as possible. The questions are periodically reviewed and are subject to change.

The judge's score takes a broader perspective on design refinement and overall standards in the insurance segment at the time of assessment.

Design scheme

Assesses the core integrity, hierarchies, consistency, and refinement of the design system. 

Task orientation

Assesses the logic, focus, simplicity, stepping, and journey status. 


Assesses calls to action, consistent and appropriate use of interactive components. 

Data entry

Assesses form fields, visual management, hints, use of data enrichment.

Help & error tolerance

Assesses pre-purchase summaries, editing, validation, error messages, wider service assistance e.g. online chat, option to escalate to a call centre etc.

Judge's score

Assesses overall design and user experience, multi-device usage and cross-sector comparison.

For bespoke, in-depth usability reports, don't hesitate to get in touch with the DigitalBar team or contact Pancentric Digital directly. Preferential rates are available for Corporate and Enterprise DigitalBar subscribers. Assessments can be undertaken for any lifecycle journey as well as prototype journeys. Design, prototyping and user testing services are also available from Pancentric.